I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am watching this unfold. This is only the beginning.......
Chris Kenner
Chris Kenner
I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am watching this unfold. This is only the beginning.......
Chris Kenner
I'm having a blast. Best magic site ever. Cant wait to see what you guys have in store for us.
You guys are what this is all about. Everyone at Theory11 is going to do there best to live up to all the hype. This is just going to keep evolving.
Chris Kenner
Was that pun intentional I wouldn't say best magic site ever quite yet, they just started, but they definitely have the groundwork and the vision to quickly become THE place for magic.
Sure going through the site is fun; the video production is entertaining, the site design is intuitive and fun (props to wa007) but better than that, hearing the advice of the T11 artists to beginners (Beginners, get started) is spot-on inspirational.
Shout out to George the Gorilla and Sake the Dog.
- SJ