I haven't purchased Tool or Redemption. I was wondering if someone could explain the difference between the two? I was interested in purchasing either or depending on what other's opinions are on each. Thanks!
...they BOTH use the SAME gimmick..
TOOL looks great! Chris sent me a copy of redemption and THERE IS A GOD! This is really, really good guys! As far as a comparison between the 2? put it this way, they BOTH use the SAME gimmick..but in TOTALLY diff. ways. Both are GREAT pieces to add to your arsenal! And they BOTH deserve to be existing at the same time. The dvd production is top notch and no stone is unturned. Teaches a handful of routines and ideas and in no time (if your a creative person) you will be coming up with ways to use the redemption gimmick yourself.I know Gary Jones from the U.K is mad about it as well.