Rene Lavand: Which is better to learn from?

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
I am completely fascinated by the works of Rene Lavand and has a lot of techniques I would like to learn from. The problem is that his works are rather costly to obtain (at least if you have a rather constrained budget). So I am in a dilemma: Which one do I get first?

The Maestro DVD set and the Meir Yedid DVD sets both cost the same: $150 big ones.

Meir Yedid has 1 more disk, harder to learn from because of the spoken translation and constant interruption of the translator giving Rene prompts to be more specific. But you also get a much better viewing experience of Rene's performances

Maestro has one less disk, but easier to learn from, and the live translator HEAVILY distracts from Rene's performances.

I'm not about recreating any of Rene's compositions (as I think they are virtually inimitable. Such as 'Three Crumbs'). But I'm not sure if all of what he teaches are compositions/routines.

If anyone has any insight what would be the better buy within the parameters, it would be greatly appreciated.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
My suggestion would be to get BOTH Rene Levand BOOKS (plus two other books) for the $150.

Mysteries of My Life is $50. If you buy one other book for around $50, you get one free here:

(you could also get it for $37 here:

You can get Magic from the Soul for $45 here:

Think about it... 4 books for the price of 1 DVD set.

Wowwy! I might have to check that out as well, thanks David!
Apr 4, 2015
I do this because I take the card with the middle finger of my right hand, so I don't need much cover from the top card (my index finger covers the important moment).???
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