Review the Reviewer! How am I doing?

Hey everyone. As I start a new year I like to reflect upon the previous and see what needs to be improved upon and how I can do so. One of my pet projects is my Draven Reviews which I post in here periodically. I'd like to hear some feed back from you on what you think. Please give me a report card! Here are some points I'd like to hear about.

Readability: Are my reviews easy to read? Are they written in a way that makes sense and conveys a message.
Reliability: How accurate and reliable do you feel the information in my reviews is?
Exposure: How do you feel I handle the subject of exposure when writing reviews? Do I tell enough detail to keep it informative without giving away the secrets? Or do I tell too much?
Purchase Power: Do you rely on my reviews to make your purchasing decisions with regards to the effects I write about? If so how much?
Opportunities to Improve: Do you know a way I could make my reviews better, or more useful to the community? Am I missing something you'd like to see going forward? Let me know.
Other: Do you have any other comments, suggestions, quips, insults, or quotes you'd like to throw my way? I'd love to hear them.

<3 Draven
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