Right/left handed dealing?

Aug 5, 2018
Hi, I could use some advice regarding card dealing. To keep it short, my right hand is far more proficient at basically every sleight I practice, while my left hand consistently struggles. Currently I am working on snap deal and bottom deal (among other related sleights: Greek, center, etc.). I'm much better at lateral palm with my right hand, but I am also better at pulling the bottom card with my right hand. So, I prefer to bottom deal with the deck in my right hand, but snap deal with the deck in my left. To me, this inconsistency looks odd. Is it worth investing significant time into developing my left hand while learning the boffom deal, or would it be more beneficial do continue learning the movement(s) with my right hand, since I'm already better with that hand?

Probably obvious I'm hurt starting out, so I super appreciate any advice!
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