RK Change !

Feb 14, 2012
my color change|!! tutorial coming soon!!
subscribe my channel to have a tutorial !!
Oct 13, 2012
IT looks nice, but: nothing special, is it? And you could just show the change, everybody here knows what is DL and how to use it. however, I appreciate your work and think you did it well, but the change has no advantages compared to other changes (maybe I am wrong?), so what's the use of performing it?
Keep up the good work (;
Dec 12, 2012
Put it into a trick, there is no point showing a change as a stand alone thing. Its not that impressive (I don't mean that in a derogatory sense, I mean I appreciate the skill etc. but doing any sleight on it's own is no way near as impressive as making it magical). Make a trick surrounding it, get some patter to go with it that will really draw the spectator in, finish with the change - I guarantee it will be more impressive.

Watching that, I think "yeah its very skilled", but I wasn't enthralled and amazed. I know people can do clever things with cards - everybody knows that - what you need to do is be a master of getting the audience interested, captivating them, then do the move - it will be a thousand times more impressive.

Also don't give a tutorial. Your magic will suffer if people can just look you up on youtube and see how you do everything!
Dec 12, 2012
In hindsight I see that you are referring to "cardistry" in your name, so perhaps much of what I say does not apply, if that is what you are trying to do, as opposed to card magic. But this is the card magic forum!
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