Rotation of Cards on Fingers

Sep 1, 2007
I'm working on Madonna from the System and I have a general question about rotating packets of cards on one's fingers.

In Madonna, there is a packet that is held between the right and left thumbs and that is rotated back and forth a lot. What part, exactly, of the thumb do I want the packet rotating around? I've been doing it right at the spot where the skin meets the nail on the finger. Is that right?

Also, sometimes I have trouble keeping the rotating packets together. Any tips?

Dec 10, 2007
If its the packet i think your talking about... (i think its the one that ends up on top of the deck...) then the way I do it is i keep it just above the knuckle of my thumb. I have small thumbs though lol so its still pretty close to my nail. But thats what works best for me. Is there a problem with doing it the way you are? If there isnt then i wouldnt change it.

But if you are having problems with that part of your skin getting soar or cards falling because the packet slides up over your nail then i would try it the way i do it. Hope that helps.

Victor Cruz
Sep 1, 2007
Thanks you.

The problem I've mainly been having is that the packet will ride up the finger past the joint, which is pretty much when the s**t hits the fan, if you know what I mean...
Sep 1, 2007
i know exactly what you mean, I try to copy the bucks finger position on this one and I believe that you are doing it correctly, I think more pressure, or less-slick cards will help keep that packet together...
Hmm... I think I know what packet you're talking about... I hold it with my right thumb, where the skin meets the nail, and with my left thumb, right about the knuckle, and when it comes to the front of my left thumb in the display before the closure, I slightly pinch it with the knuckle of the thumb.
Actually, I don't do the Madonna very well, so I don't know if my tips are any good :p.
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