Saturday Night Contest - Create A Trick!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, hope you all are having a great weekend!

This week's contest is simple - create a trick! Only one rule, it HAS to be something you create specifically for this contest. The purpose of this challenge is to get you thinking on the spot and seeing what you can create in a short period of time. It can be ANY effect in any genre - all we are looking for is the creativity, performance/execution, and which effect leaves the best lasting impression. Do something completely outside the box, and you will be well rewarded.

PLEASE NOTE: To qualify for judging, your video has to contain a statement from you that this is specifically for the contest, or have it written on a piece of paper that is shown briefly in the shot. Putting it in the title or the description of the video does not count! It has to be IN the video!

Upload your performance to either YouTube, Vimeo, or Instagram and post the link to your video in response to THIS forum thread by no later than Sunday, May 19th at 11:00pm EST.

What can you win? 1,000 Elite Points, a deck of NOC x Midnight Edition, and ANY currently in stock effect we have in our Store (up to $75 value) shipped on the house anywhere in the world!

Good luck!
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Mar 29, 2019
Plant city
Disinsvengal: I made this trick up in like twenty minutes so it's no Penn and Teller but I think its interesting
I used my svengali deck for this because I never really liked that effect but this is a good use for it. I'm sorry for the video quality I have never Recorded something like this I'm sure it feels better in real life.


Elite Member
Nov 2, 2014
This is an impromptu trick (no special software, you could do it on the spectator's pc) that probably would work best in real life for friends. And Casey, you absolutely have to take the chosen card from another deck and put it over your laptop's camera: if you don't the trick doesn't work.
Ok, that's not true, but you should still do it. :D

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Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
Like any kid I always dreamed of having my name in the Guinness book of world Records. I used that for inspiration as I made this FAKE video entry, in which I break the world record for the party game "bop it". The scene is which I play is 100% fake. This is a new method i created exclusively for this contest, so any goofs or flashes in the performance is due to me just creating the method today. (However, imo it looks pretty clean)
The sign on my shirt says

Without further ado, here is an 18 year old(birthday was yesterday) playing a kids party game during his weekend.
P.S for those curious my real personal best is only 3. I ussally mess up half way through the fourth, lol.

Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Like any kid I always dreamed of having my name in the Guinness book of world Records. I used that for inspiration as I made this FAKE video entry, in which I break the world record for the party game "bop it". The scene is which I play is 100% fake. This is a new method i created exclusively for this contest, so any goofs or flashes in the performance is due to me just creating the method today. (However, imo it looks pretty clean)
The sign on my shirt says

Without further ado, here is an 18 year old(birthday was yesterday) playing a kids party game during his weekend.
P.S for those curious my real personal best is only 3. I ussally mess up half way through the fourth, lol.

Would not surprise me if you win!! Completely outside the box....
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Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
A trick I called "Slowmotion"... slow the fall of anything... enjoy!

Congrats Luis! We have chosen your effect as the winner for this week's contest. It is extremely difficult to make a levitation-style effect look natural and believable. We feel that your performance and execution of this was spot on; absolutely nothing to see. Very smooth, simple, and highly effective. Excellent work! Please contact our support team so we can get your prize out to you ASAP!

We would also like to extend an honorable mention to frozono9 for his entry, as his made this contest a very tough one to judge. Great idea!

See you all on Saturday for a new contest!
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