Saturday Night Contest - Match That Deck!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Yo guys! Time for tonight’s Saturday Night Contest!

We wanted to do something a bit different. We want to know if YOU know your decks of cards. What is this exactly? Here is how it’s going to work.

I’m going to attach images of different decks of cards. I will post a list of the names of the decks in random order, and your job is to match them accordingly.

For example, if image A goes with Deck #5, what you would type would be “A is Motor No 1”. Try and correctly guess as many as you can. If you don’t know, just place an answer and hopefully luck will be on your side! First person to correctly match ALL 7 decks to their proper names wins!

Put your knowledge to the test. Deadline for entries is 11:00pm EST.

Prize tonight is a brand new deck of White Centurions – the rarest decks in our collection, sent on the house. Also, winner will receive a special sneak peek at GENESIS Volume 2 by Andrei Jikh.

Do you know your playing cards? Match the decks!

Here is the List of Decks:

1. League - 1893
2. Pneumatic No. 1 - 1894
3. Bee 203
4. New Fan - 1894
5. Motor No 1 - 1901
6. Cyclist - 1898
7. Bee 200

Here are the images:
A.jpg B.jpg C.jpg D.jpg E.jpg F.jpg G.jpg

Joseph C

A is League
B is Bee 200
C is Bee 203
D is Pneumatic No 1
E is Cyclist
F is Motor No 1
G is New Fan
Jan 22, 2011
A is cyclist 1989
B is League - 1893
C is Bee 200
D is Pneumatic No. 1 - 1894
E is Bee 203
F is Motor No 1 - 1901
G is New Fan - 1894

Aug 19, 2009
A is League 1893
B is Bee 200
C is Bee 203
D is is Pneumatic No. 1
E is Cyclist
F is Motor No 1
G is New Fan 1894
Apr 10, 2010
League 1893 is A
Bee 200 is B
Bee 203 is C
Pneumatic No. 1 - 1894 is D
Cylist - 1898 is E
Motor No 1 - 1901 is F
New Fan 1894 is G


Sep 4, 2010
A is League 1893
B is Bee 200
C is Bee 203
D is is Pneumatic No. 1 1894
E is Cyclist 1898
F is Motor No 1 1901
G is New Fan 1894
Dec 26, 2008
A is League - 1893
B is Bee 200
C is Pneumatic No. 1 - 1894
D is Bee 203
E is Cyclist - 1898
F is Motor No 1 - 1901
G is New Fan - 1894


Elite Member
Dec 5, 2010
A - League - 1893
D - Pneumatic No. 1 - 1894
F - Bee 203
G - New Fan - 1894
C - Motor No 1 - 1901
E - Cyclist - 1898
B - Bee 200


May 3, 2009
A is a League
B is bee 200
C is bee 203
D is a pneumatic no 1
E is cyclist
F is motor no1
G is new fan

James Wise Magic

Elite Member
Dec 28, 2007
A is League 1893
D is Pneumatic No. 1 - 1894
C is Bee 203
G is New Fan - 1894
F is Motor No 1 - 1901
E is Cylist - 1898
B is Bee 200

I think I know cards but I know NOTHING about Bees so hopefully I got them right.


Apr 3, 2008
Buffalo, NY
A) League - 1893
B) Bee 203
C) B33 200
D) Cyclist - 1898
E) Pneumatic No. 1 - 1894
F) Motor No 1 - 1901
G) New Fan - 1894
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