Saturday Night Roundtable - Benjamin Budzak (ThoughtCast Magic)!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey everyone, hope you all are having a great weekend! This week we are going to be joined by Benjamin Budzak (ThoughtCast Magic), the creator of NOTARIZED, to answer all of your questions. With Notarized, you can turn a borrowed iPhone into your own personal mind reading device! See ANYTHING your spectator writes or draws on THEIR phone - instantly.

Within the next few days we are going to be recording a podcast with Benjamin Budzak for our first Roundtable Discussion in at least a few years! You have 24 hours to submit up to two questions for Benjamin to be answered on the podcast, and it can be about anything magic related. If there's a question you want to ask him, go ahead and post it in response to this forum thread!

We will be selecting a random member's question to take home a prize this week, which is 1,000 Elite Points and a copy of Notarized ($99 value!), shipped on the house, anywhere in the world.

Submit your questions below and make sure to tune in when we post the podcast within the next week!
Aug 22, 2022
Have you ever recreated a trick using your own methods when you couldn’t figure out how someone else did it?

Have you seen magic tricks becoming more digital in recent years, and how do you think the world of magic tricks will continue to change with technology?


Elite Member
Nov 26, 2017
What was the first magic trick that you learned?

What is one magic trick you still haven't figured out and would like to know learn it?


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2020
Redmond, OR
I honestly think this trick is going to be amazing!!!

1. What inspired the concept of turning a borrowed iPhone into an impression pad for mind reading, and how did you overcome the technical challenges of making it work seamlessly with any phone?

2. Can you share a memorable experience or reaction from a performance where 'Notarized' amazed both you and your audience? How did it impact the way you view the interaction between technology and magic?


Elite Member
Dec 3, 2018
1. Do you have a specific pattern/routine when you start creating a new magic trick or is more of a sudden inspiration that starts to evolve?

2. From being an idea, how long did it take for Notarized to become a selling product?


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2022
1. Will Notarized also be available using Android devices?

2. How do you suggest one should start and develop their professional career in magic?
Sep 18, 2017
How do you manage to get the creativity to come up with a new trick or method? It seems in my mind that everything exists already and I couldn't come up with something absolutely original. But then guys like you do it and blow us all away! Keep i tup. Maybe I will come up with something eventually!

I am a Magician

Elite Member
Nov 19, 2018
Question 1:
How do you know that an effect that you created wasn't created before, and if there are aspects in your trick that are used in other effects, do you ask the other magician for permission or do you give credit?

Question 2:
What is your favorite part in performing and creating effects for others?
Dec 11, 2022
Question 1:
Have you ever had to improvise the trick because it didn't work? What did you do?

Question 2:
Do you collect playing card decks?


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
Q1. For someone looking to buy a new mentalism trick how would you convince him to buy Notarize instead of a traditional impression pad/device tricks?

Q2. Recently many names in the magic circle have started to teach magic on youTube. What's your opinion on that? is it good for magic or will it hurt magic as an art at the end?


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
1. What is your all-time favorite magic book, and why?

2. What is your all-time favorite non-magic book, and why?


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
What is the longest you've worked on an effect? Is there anything you've been working through that still remains out of reach?
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