Saturday Night Roundtable - Blake Vogt


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
What's up guys! I hope you all are doing fantastic this week! It's been a bit since we have done a roundtable discussion, so this week, we are happy to be joined by none other than Blake Vogt! As most of you all know by now, we released a brand new effect from Blake and Dan White last Friday called the Phone Vanish - a completely impromptu and astonishing, practical method to make your phone vanish anytime, anywhere!

This is how the roundtable discussion works:
All you have to do is post a maximum of 3 questions that you would want to ask Blake. These questions can be about how he created the Phone Vanish, what inspired him to do magic, his creative process, etc (anything related to magic). You can post only once, so make these questions count! All questions should be posted as a response to THIS thread by tomorrow, Sunday, June 25th at 11:00pm EST.

We will pick as many questions as possible to answer in the podcast recorded later on throughout next week. One random member who submits a question this weekend will receive 1,000 Elite Member Points, and the Phone Vanish by Blake Vogt and Dan White

Submit your questions now!
Dec 31, 2015
Here are my questions:

If you could only use one deck of cards for the rest of your life, what would you use?
You're writing a letter to your past self when you first started magic. What would you say?
What is the most important thing you would advise magicians to remember when they're performing?

Good luck all!
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Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
Are professional magicians already right?
What is your favorite mistake you've made during a performance?
Give your 100% honest opinions on aft and would you suggest up and coming magician to go on it?
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Elite Member
Aug 31, 2015
How do you practice and for how long?
How do you come up/choose plots and presentations for tricks?
Good luck, all!
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
Mar 15, 2017
1. What was the first trick you learned?

2. What is the biggest problem when you create a new magic trick?

3. If you would create a trick with a specific food, what would it be?
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Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
You create a lot of magic but there are tricks that I have seen you do that are not your own, notably Angle Zero. Apart from that trick what other tricks do you like to perform?

What is your process when you want to make a trick your own?

You are beloved by many of us on this site, as well by many who are not, and I'm sure I am not alone in wishing we could see more of you. Have you considered establishing more of an online presence so that your fans can see you more and interact with you?
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Jul 1, 2014
1. Have you ever regretted becoming a magician? What would you did not perform magic anymore?
2. When you have kids, will you encourage them to do magic just like you?
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Feb 18, 2015
1. What is your creative process for creating magic?
2. What are your favorite playing cards (Other than Bikes)
3. Favorite books for magic?
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Jun 24, 2017
1.)If so, how has your life changed since you went on Penn & Teller or America's Got Talent?

2.)How did you come to the conclusion that you wanted to create your own effect?

3.)Were you afraid of the fact that it could take a very long time to create an effect?
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Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
1.How many phones were damaged from the time bw the concept and development of the trick "Phone Vanish"?

2.You have worked with Copperfield, helped Dan White in his jimmy fallon's appearances. What do you enjoy the most, performing in front of the camera or creating for others off the camera?

3.Is there a risk factor of damaging your phone if you perform phone vanish?
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