Scheduled Maintenance - theory11 forums & media section


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City

Just a quick note that we're currently in the process of some quick scheduled maintenance on the servers that run the forums and media section-- with the goal of speeding things up a bit.

If you notice any glitches or weird error messages sporadically over the next few minutes, rest assured that it's normal, planned, scheduled, and probably Dana's fault. He hit the off button the flux capacitor, which connects to the upper dorsimus muscle on the server, which can cause periodic glitches.

Just a quick note that we're currently in the process of some quick scheduled maintenance on the servers that run the forums and media section-- with the goal of speeding things up a bit.

If you notice any glitches or weird error messages sporadically over the next few minutes, rest assured that it's normal, planned, scheduled, and probably Dana's fault. He hit the off button the flux capacitor, which connects to the upper dorsimus muscle on the server, which can cause periodic glitches.

daaang big words. yeah, i kept trying to go to the forum, but i got error messages


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
All is back up and running 100%. If you should experience any issues from this point on, contact t11 support, a moderator, or Oprah.
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