Nov 3, 2018
Hi guys, me again.
This will really be two questions, one for the push-over and one for the strike second.
When I do the push-over second deal (I do it as Erdnase teaches with the thumb pushing over two cards at the top of the deck, not at the side) my trouble is that the top card is always slightly lifted as I pull out the second card. It's only for a split second but can be noticed quite easily if you're looking for something sneaky. Does anybody have any help on that matter?

Second question: When I do the strike deal - which I haven't been doing for long, mind you - my biggest problem seems to be that the upper left corner of the second card shows a lot along the upper edge of the deck. What can I do against that?

Thank you all very much!
Sep 10, 2017
I've not experimented with the push off that much, but for the strike, you need to practice it long enough to make the brief a bit smaller. After that, just by necktiying the deck a tiny bit and with a good rhythm, it'll fly by most people.
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Elite Member
Aug 5, 2017
WA state USA
I've noticed my second deals are nicer when the deck is missing a small packet. I have been doing my seconds with a pack missing about 10 cards and plan to add more cards when what I got now looks better. I do the strike deal btw.

I don't know if that will help you or not but thought it couldn't hurt!
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Nov 3, 2018
I've not experimented with the push off that much, but for the strike, you need to practice it long enough to make the brief a bit smaller. After that, just by necktiying the deck a tiny bit and with a good rhythm, it'll fly by most people.

Thanks a lot! Of course, practise is what I need most at this point - as I'd mentioned I've only just started the strike -, but I thought a few tips here and there wouldn't hurt.
Thank you for the help!
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Nov 3, 2018
I've noticed my second deals are nicer when the deck is missing a small packet. I have been doing my seconds with a pack missing about 10 cards and plan to add more cards when what I got now looks better. I do the strike deal btw.

I don't know if that will help you or not but thought it couldn't hurt!

Thank you very much! Anything that will help me with my practise is great!


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
If the top card is lifting it's due to the deck being tilted down. Fix that.

I'm not sure what you mean about the strike. The corner sticking out the front maybe?

Deal fair for a while. Go through the whole deck several times, just dealing cards, and make sure you pay attention to what you're doing when you are just ... dealing cards. When you go to do the strike second, make sure you're copying the genuine deal with the deceptive movements.

It helps do mix the deals up. Top, second, bottom, second, bottom, top, etc. The rhythm of dealing smoothly is what really makes it deceptive.
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Nov 3, 2018
If the top card is lifting it's due to the deck being tilted down. Fix that.

Actually I have a problem with always necktying a bit too much, even when dealing fair. So tilting the deck down can't be the problem. Keep in mind that I have this problem when doing the push-over second deal, I guess if the card isn't exactly on one level with the deck the top card will always lift a bit.

I'm not sure what you mean about the strike. The corner sticking out the front maybe?

That's what I mean; though I've had a look at a lot of strike deals and it seems to me that this is something that, to some degree, everybody and is easily covered when dealing with speed.

Deal fair for a while. Go through the whole deck several times, just dealing cards, and make sure you pay attention to what you're doing when you are just ... dealing cards. When you go to do the strike second, make sure you're copying the genuine deal with the deceptive movements.

It helps do mix the deals up. Top, second, bottom, second, bottom, top, etc. The rhythm of dealing smoothly is what really makes it deceptive.

Though I do some of that already I'll definitely keep that in mind. Thanks!
Dec 6, 2018
The the way I practiced my strike double was to deal a card normally and then second deal the next and just repeat that till you go through the whole deal nice and slow. Eventually you gain the speed but by dealing normal and second you gain this nice rhythm and flow so that when you perform it people won’t be able to tell your second apart from your actual deal
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Nov 3, 2018
New The the way I practiced my strike double was to deal a card normally and then second deal the next and just repeat that till you go through the whole deal nice and slow. Eventually you gain the speed but by dealing normal and second you gain this nice rhythm and flow so that when you perform it people won’t be able to tell your second apart from your actual deal

Thanks! I've heard this advice - dealing every deal you do alternatingly - before, and I try to follow it whenever I can.
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