Separate response - helping magic evolve

Hey, to the memeber who posted he was leaving. I separated my response because i think that my response will most probably start a thread of its own.

You never truly gave a clear reason as to why you are quiting but you mentioned that it has downgraded and that you thought T-11 was awesome and now its not.

If your saying that Theory 11 is just like all the other magic sites that just milk everyone for money and there nothing special, your wrong. Yea this site sells 1 trick dvds. And yes the artist are here to make a living. But i dont know if any of you notice, these guys TRULY are trying to change the magic world for the better.
- All of these Saturday night contest... there not made just because the guys at T-11 are bored and need you to amuse them (i hope not lol). There made to change your perception about magic and the magic world... and to give you tons of free stuff. For example, the Sat contest about crazy cuts... that was to get your creativity going. The most recent Sat contest was to have people start to think about how powerful magic can be as an art and to get your mind flowing with ideas.

Im not saying that you should not quit, because maybe magic is not for you. However i dont think that you should join Theory 11 with other places who clearly do not care about the advancement of the magic world and are just trying to make a profit. The guys here at Theory 11 are making a profit, as they should for being the artist but there also... helping magic evolve.
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