I know its just a deck of cards...but a great deck at that...due to the deck look fits my style in magic, but im excited! ....whole else.
they do look nice when are they released?
when are they being released?
I guess I'm the only person not interested. I don't like strange cards, and these cards look really strange. Am I the only one who sees the irony in the following scenario?
Spec 1: "He's using a trick deck."
Magician: "No, I'm not. These are just normal cards."
Spec 1: "No they're not. I've never seen cards like that."
Magician: "But they're not. Here, look."
Spec 1: "Yep. They don't look like regular cards to me"
Magician: "But they're just regular--"
Spec 2: "Yeah, he's using trick cards."
Magician: "Really, they'e just--"
Spec 3: "Those cards do look pretty funny."
I also don't see what adding shadows really accomplishes. I think the cards themselves look ok, but I don't see what the big deal is and what everyone is going nuts over.