I know thats why I love to this kind of stuff theres no real secrets, and theres really nothing to hide, but your risking a lot.
I appreciate you guys for your kind words thank you.
I wouldn't recommend getting into this being as its really dangerous, but if you really want to heres some places to learn.
Fire Eating - Get "A Professionals Guide to Fire Eating by Brain Brushwood" hes a great teacher and a really nice guy, and the best fire eating book out there, (it can be found at Amazon.com for $40)
You should also rent or buy the movie "American Carny" it gives great backround on the history of sideshow and anyone who wants to get into this kind of stuff should watch it, HIGHLY ENTERTAINING!
For human block head, sword swallowing etc. I would recommend Swami Mantra, its out of print but you might be able to find it somewhere (I saw it one for about $60)
Theres also a good DVD out called "Geek Magic by Tomas Medina" it doesn't necessarily teach side show stuff but it teaches some cool magic tricks. (balloon swallowing, razor blade swallowing, fake glass eating)