Skater Cut Sources?

Sep 1, 2007
San Francisco, CA
I know that I am going to sound like a complete n00b when I say this but, where can I find a source to learn the Skater Cut Spin? Don't say "The Trilogy"!

Hate to say it, but.... The Trilogy. I'm almost positive that it the only place to learn the Skater Cut.

As for the spin, I've never seen a source that teaches it directly. Maybe you could talk to another member and get some tips?

Sep 1, 2007
San Francisco, CA
If it is only published in "The Trilogy", how does everyone know it? I was told that it was almost expected of you to already to know the move and doesn't go into much detail on it.

Absolutely not! The Trilogy teaches the Skater Cut in-depth. It isn't that hard, so it doesn't take that long, but in no way do they expect you to already know it.

Sep 1, 2007
Yeah , correct me if i am wrong

There are two variations to the Skater Cut

One is phase three of the Jackson 5 taught on The Trilogy

Second is the spinning of one of the packet (some people call it kickflip)
which can be viewed on some Youtube videos or Chris Hestnes' In the Studio video here in the media section
so far this version is not taught yet anywhere so it is unpublished and is not taught on the trilogy

hope this clears things up

Sep 1, 2007
Los Angeles, California
There are no sources for the SPIN in the Skater cut. You learn it like how everyone else learned it... Other videos. And it is not easy as it looks.

The Skater cut in the Trilogy is a different VARIATION than the original one by Joey Burton. The one in the Trilogy has 5 packets where the original only has 4.
Sep 1, 2007
There is a way to do the spin with 5packet skater cut version taught on the Trilogy but it is even more difficult and haven't seen it been done alot only in one video if I am correct

And yes the Spin version of the Skater Cut is not easy at all its kind of a nacky move too.

Took me about 2 months to get this move down and still working on it

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