Slow Motion Double Lift (unedited)

Nov 27, 2009
I was playing around this week with my double lift and came up with this. What do you think? (I kinda messed up on the first one.)


FYI: I understand this is probably not an original idea. It seems that there is a good chance this has been done before.
Jun 26, 2009
No offense dude, but its just a push over double. So yes it obviously has been thought of before, but i actually prefer the "soft double." Its interesting, so i suggest you search for it though i don't know where its published.



Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
This is the double I use, when I'm not using a break. It's straight out of Expert Card Technique, I believe. Keep working on it and it's a great push off for the DL.
Feb 1, 2012
Jason England covers the soft double in his download covering the double lift. No offense taken.

So yes it obviously has been thought of before, but i actually prefer the "soft double." Its interesting, so i suggest you search for it though i don't know where its published.
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