Some Opinions!!! Please!!

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
Hello everyone!

I am currently preparing my new show "The Pygmalion Effect" and it?s going good... I have a set of routines, the main theme of the show is about the pygmalion effect which is "the phenomenon whereby the greater the expectation placed upon people, the better they perform"

So I have all these routine concerning willpower, hidden talents and so... But I also have very visual magic. It?s intended for corporate market and adult people, So I wanted to hear some proposals about "filler effects"

Let me explain, I like to do little effects between routines, like appearing something small from my hands, floating glass with the bottle of wine, etc... because It boosts the "magic" without getting into the main theme... people love that!!

So, I wanna know if you have any ideas of what to do, could be along the theme, or just something you think might look good!!

I hope you can help me!!

Thanks in advance!!
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Like I've told you before. . . stop mixing magic with mentalism! You ruin the psychological advantages you require for making your Mentalism stronger and not come off as some cheap trick. If you want to do conventional magic then build a magic show, otherwise you are hurting your own performance, cheating the public and actually hurting other performers that specialize in the Mental aspects of magic. This doesn't just apply to you but all of us . . . and please don't start throwing up all the examples of mentalists that do magic tricks in their shows. Yes, even I'm guilty of having the occasional trick within the act for the sake of amusement and along the lines of Annemann's Magician vs. Mentalist routine or even the McCombical Prediction but they are obviously there for the sake of fun, which is how I use Mental Magic routines usually such as Casino Royal, Dinner with the Borgia, and even my Poison Monte routine -- production & entertainment value.

The other critique I need to offer is in the title of your show in that there is a very popular book on the market by that same title that focuses on bio-physical/trance type routines that are exceptionally subtle and best done with small audiences. If this is akin to the things you are performing you may want to reconsider the overall title.
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