Some practice on Himber vanish

Apr 7, 2009
I think doin it the "CoinTwo"-way is lot more impossible for spectators because they can see the other hand as empty as it gets ;) might wanna do that instead of just taking one hand away which forces every spectator to get suspicious about it :)

just my 2 cents

Oct 22, 2008
I think doin it the "CoinTwo"-way is lot more impossible for spectators because they can see the other hand as empty as it gets ;) might wanna do that instead of just taking one hand away which forces every spectator to get suspicious about it :)

just my 2 cents


well he teaches you in silver dream to sleeve and all that but i have no jacket like that lol so im like w.e :)
Aug 2, 2008
I would agree with Alexander. I perfer Homer's version of the Himber Vanish. It just seems a bit more impossible. If I could make a suggestion to you, I think you pulled your right hand away way to quickly. It made it look fishy and made my spider sense go off. You want the audience to focus on your left hand only; so pulling you right hand away quickly with turn their attention away from where you want it. If you slowly moved the hand away and make them focus a bit more on the left hand, it would look great. Hope that helps.
Oct 22, 2008
I would agree with Alexander. I perfer Homer's version of the Himber Vanish. It just seems a bit more impossible. If I could make a suggestion to you, I think you pulled your right hand away way to quickly. It made it look fishy and made my spider sense go off. You want the audience to focus on your left hand only; so pulling you right hand away quickly with turn their attention away from where you want it. If you slowly moved the hand away and make them focus a bit more on the left hand, it would look great. Hope that helps.

great advice man thanks
Jul 8, 2008
It looked to me like you were fidgeting to get out of there. Also it would be a good idea, and I use this all the time, to move forward witht he vanish. I like to have my hand that I do the vanish with closer to me just slightly and move forward so it looks like I;m just tossing it in a way. Another thing to point out is DON'T point to the hand that is supposed to have the coin. DO NOT do that. It is a dead giveaway. Of course the hand has the coin, they saw you take it, where else would it be? In the other hand? Of course not, that would be crazy. Oh yea, and maybe you can change your coin size. It is easier with bigger coins. I can get this done in a flat second with my Morgans
Oct 22, 2008
It looked to me like you were fidgeting to get out of there. Also it would be a good idea, and I use this all the time, to move forward witht he vanish. I like to have my hand that I do the vanish with closer to me just slightly and move forward so it looks like I;m just tossing it in a way. Another thing to point out is DON'T point to the hand that is supposed to have the coin. DO NOT do that. It is a dead giveaway. Of course the hand has the coin, they saw you take it, where else would it be? In the other hand? Of course not, that would be crazy. Oh yea, and maybe you can change your coin size. It is easier with bigger coins. I can get this done in a flat second with my Morgans

hey man thanks for the advice! Also dude pm me if your doin the new jersey jam
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