Specific Colour Change required--Normal ones not cutting it!!

Aug 15, 2017
It will be great if someone can suggest a colour change to change the TOP card for the card SECOND FROM TOP.
It will be even better if you guys can name a colour change to change the TOP FACE-UP card for the FACE-DOWN SECOND FROM TOP CARD.

A little help please? :) :) :)


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
So, you want to switch card number 1, for card number 2? Or do you mean switch card 1 for card 3?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
So ... the classic Erdnase/Houdini change? Paintbrush change, KM move, the "scoop switch", any number of mucks ... Most color changes could be used to do this. I'm not sure if I'm missing something in what you're looking for, but it doesn't seem like this should really be a challenge for anyone who's studied any foundations of card magic.
Feb 1, 2017
Everything ChristopherT said will work if you just want to switch the top card for the card under it; however, if you specifically want to change a face up top card for a face down second card, then you would have to either do Shapeshifter or a Duck Change among some others. The latter is more knacky than the former, but in my opinion looks more impossible.

I'm not sure if I'm missing something in what you're looking for, but it doesn't seem like this should really be a challenge for anyone who's studied any foundations of card magic.

I'm surprised, but not surprised if you know what I mean.
Aug 15, 2017
So ... the classic Erdnase/Houdini change? Paintbrush change, KM move, the "scoop switch", any number of mucks ... Most color changes could be used to do this. I'm not sure if I'm missing something in what you're looking for, but it doesn't seem like this should really be a challenge for anyone who's studied any foundations of card magic.
The KM move I had discarded because I wanted it be more visual. And until I do the KM move, the colour change won't clean up. All in all, KM discarded (tho I love the sleight).
The paintbrush I use changes the SECOND card for the TOP one, so...nope.

And yup, the Erdnase change, see...(I should have elaborated on what exactly I wanted, sorry...my bad:) )
The scenario would be that I have a card at the top face up and the second card would obviously be face down, like the rest of the deck. Then I would need to do the colour change. So the way the Erdnase would look good was if the top card was face down as well, right?
But it looks really strange in the effect if I turned the card face-down and started rubbing it...would look out of place.
But of course it would look like a magical gesture, so the Erdnase is always an option I guess.
All other switches I know change the second card for top one...and I dunno any mucks or 'scoop switches'...please sue me for that :D :D :D
Aug 15, 2017
Try the twirl change.
Believe me, I have sort of a mental block with the twirl change. Dunno if it looks good in my hands...I have never tried it in a real performance.
But it looks dead obvious when I do it to the mirror.

Lol, srsly, give me any difficult sleight, I will make it easy. But give me any easy sleight and see how difficult I can make it :) :) :)


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I feel like you're probably just over complicating things.

You want to start with Card 1 face up, and Card 2 face down. Then you want to end with Card 2 face up on top, and Card 1 face down, 2nd from top?

In other words, you want to rotate cards 1 & 2 180 degrees together.

Twirl change, shape shifter, pirouette. There's probably others.
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Nov 29, 2017
Believe me, I have sort of a mental block with the twirl change. Dunno if it looks good in my hands...I have never tried it in a real performance.
But it looks dead obvious when I do it to the mirror.

Lol, srsly, give me any difficult sleight, I will make it easy. But give me any easy sleight and see how difficult I can make it :) :) :)

When I do it they don't catch it that often, just shake it when you do the move it covers it quite well.
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