Spider Pen Pro,Tarantula or Extreme burn 2.0

(sorry if this is in then wrong section im new to the forums)
I have done lots of card tricks and i want to move on to gimmicks. ITR and EB 2.0 has caught my attention, i have had small experience with invisible thread but never have i done money magic. Im in High school so i really want to make a big impression on spectators. Which of these items would be better for someone like me??
Jan 17, 2015
Hey @Obscure123ful,

Welcome to theory11.

It depends on what you want!
Are you a PK/TK mentalist, or a magician? Both are versatile, but Spider Pen and Tarantula are more on levitation while EB 2.0 is about bill changes.

But I think you know that already (haha).

If you like strolling magic then use Extreme Burn because it packs small (in your wallet) but plays BIG. Its visual and looks like stuff people see on tv. Just one thing though: people may snatch your money.

If you like busking or close-up magic and don't really like approaching people/like to just stand there with something floating on your palm then get the other stuff (sorry too lazy to type).

As to your current situation it depends: your classmates might snatch your money, BUT they won't be disinterested so easily as they may not be able to figure it out yet.

Levitation, however, may guarantee wows but it won't be so interesting for some as they will walk away thinking "nah, it's just done with invisible thread,".

Perhaps a little more info? Thanks

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
The Spider Pen and Tarantula are basically the same thing disguised in two different ways. Personally I like the spider pen better as a way to conceal the gimmick. If you are into that kind of magic a more versatile version would be what is taught in the Subdivided Studios Legacy System or Ellusionist's Guerrilla Guide. I can't get into the specifics but that's what I would go with.

Extreme Burn would be completley different. Given the choice between the two I would not chose extreme burn, I feel like there is more magic you can perform with the other products. Instead of Extreme Burn I might check out Karl Hein's work. Karl will be releasing a new DVD with a whole bunch of work using a similar gimmick. I'd hold off and wait for his DVD.
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