Spoof of magic:: Ready to vote

Jan 28, 2009
OwnerM FTW in my opinion, if only for the line, "yeah its a real easy trick, it took me about twenty minutes to learn it, and yeah so I got it twenty minutes ago, so here's the secret." That and his facial expression during the performance, lol.

Cringe, no offense, but I've received bad news from a doctor that was funnier than your video.

Neither were particularly funny, but there you are, OwnerM took it for at least having some level of sophistication to the idea.
Jul 25, 2008
Upstate New York
I liked how Cringe said that thing about the official t-shirt of LearnMagicTricks and the Abracadabralearnmagictricks.org thing. Also the J of clovers. That was pretty funny in my opinion. OwnerM like OneCardWonder said the 20 minutes thing, and the facial expressions were funny.

My vote went to Cringe though because I just thought his was funnier.
Oct 22, 2008
sorry man im not votin here just cause i didn't find either that funny. Nothing against either of you its just not a great battle in my opinion.

Feb 9, 2009
Reno, NV
Cringe, in my very honest opinion, I think what you did was very cruel.

It was funny in some points, I admit, but I've always loathed the people who commented on his videos with complete bashing of him.
He does really bad and insanely simple magic, if you wanna call it that, but honestly, people need to leave the guy alone.
He's pretty ridiculous, I know.

But what would you prefer?
Videos revealing actual tricks a site like theory11 or something laughable, but is actually helpful for kids?
Hell, even the guy in Europe that says he's "pretty famous" and is better than Copperfield is worse that this guy.

And I used to call "clubs" "clovers", it's commonly used in other countries. So J of Clovers is passable to a standard.

I'm also with jake, I'm not voting.
Apr 27, 2008
Hahaha. OwnerM, were you by any chance inspired by that kid TombSkater?

It was a perfect imitation.

Great job!

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