SSB on the magic line

Jan 15, 2008
in the royal court
He guys as some of you know today at midnight is the release of SSBB (super smash brothers brawl), im a great fan of it, so im going to the tournament and the line....

i wanted to do some magic while im there, so i wanted some ideas on what effects to do and how and when (becuase im gonna be there for at least 3 hours, with SSBB matches as intervals)
what gimmicks should i take? What impromptu tricks should i perform?
please help me fast

o and im gonna be filming so ill post it later on..

Sep 1, 2007
San Francisco, CA
You will probably need some quick, visual tricks, as most people will be more into trying out the game than watching magic.

You could do a quick routine like Danny Garcia's Ego, or a quick Triumph. I recommend Simple Triumph, which can be bought in the 1 on 1 section. Hand to Mouth by the Bucks is a great quick trick, as well as TiVo and 2.0.

If you want to bring gimmicks, loops would be a great idea. Maybe a thumb tip or some kind of pull.

Sep 1, 2007
i would do hedberg's peak saying that life is like a game cause in video games, there are polygons. every frame renders new polygons. if the code is changed, then two players could switch. then draw the top card on top and the bottom card on bottom. then say you are changing the code when you switch them on the paper. then show the transpo.

ps: you could do this with any transpo
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