Starting out

Nov 23, 2008
I've been learning what I can on the net and practicing different techniques, and I was curious as to how many of you got your start. Did you buy books and DVD's, or did you learn from a friend.

I know that practice is the most important aspect of any art and with time I hope to get better. My question is where is a good starting point? Should I buy books and DVD's or concentrate on what I know first.

All I really know is the invisible pass, the lift, a few color changes, the biddle trick, "worlds greatest magic trick" :confused:, snap change, simple flourishes, and a few I've developed or at least I think I have but I probably just don't know the name for them.
Oct 17, 2007
Aussie NSW
The Royal Road to card magic is going to pop up heaps It is such a great Book to learn many tricks and sleights from.

for coin magic get Bobo's guide to coin magic

for mentalism get 13 steps to Mentalism

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Hey mate - welcome firstly! For your reference, the "World's Greatest Card Trick" on YouTube is actually called the Chicago Opener. ^^

It sounds like you've been starting off with mostly or all cards - which is just fine. For those, the best introduction to magic would be either Royal Road to Card Magic, or Card College. The latter is quite an investment so feel free to start with Volume 1 (out of 5) - and if you like it after that one, get the rest. In fact, I wish I started with those, and in fact I suspect so do many people here. Like you I started on the internet though, and didn't know what those books were for several months. I would've gotten a lot further a lot quicker had I started in the right place. The other thing I just wanted to add is, as you learn more, don't neglect older magic books as well as magic theory - magic is a lot more than just secrets obviously, it's a lot of things. ^^
Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
I actually started out flourishing when i saw Cardshark88 on youtube. Later, i got more interested in magic and now i do both :).

If you wanna good start, i suggest you get Royal Road to Card Magic. Or if you're a video-learner, try Born to Perform by Oz Pearlman.
Jul 2, 2008
London, Ontario
My start was kind of strange, I received three gifts for my 18th birthday from my grandpa.

1. Oz Pearlman - "Born to Perform" - DVD
2. Guy Hollingworth - "Once Upon A Time" - Book
3. Guy Hollingworth - "Drawing Room Deceptions" - Book

The first DVD laid out a good ground work for me in magic and also taught me quite a bit about how good patter and performance goes a long way. Oz is a fantastic teacher and every slight he teaches you in that DVD is actually performed on the streets before he breaks it down.

The second book was a eye opener in it self. The trick isn't difficult at all; however, it is long, it can go on for about 40 minutes if you are really good with it but it is a trick built around your ability to perform. Like I said the slights are basic, but what builds this trick is your ability to captivate your target audience with your words and the more you practice the one, the better your overall performance skill will increase.

This is probably the greatest book I've ever got when it comes to card magic. It is extremely difficult to do any of these moves as an intermediate magician; however, if you are serious about card magic then I would recommend you pick it up solely because it will give you a real appreciation for how elegant and creative card magic can be. You won't be able to do any of the tricks in there right from the get go (I'm still working on some of them) but it will give you something to work toward in your idle time.
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