Street magic routine with cards

Feb 3, 2013
Hi ! I know, there might be other forum like that, but i found easier to ask you guys here. So, i have practised card magic like 3 years and i know and can do lot of tricks like biddle trick, acr, search and destroy, triumph, gemini reflections, stonehenge, impossible, shuffle lesson, rainman, invisible deck, erdnase aces, imaginary dice, ultimate self working card trick series tricks etc. So lot of tricks i think. BUT my problem is: first, lot of tricks needs set up, second, its pretty hard make these 3-4 tr?cks/15 minutes interesting and reasonable routine. My view, almost all are great alone, but when i'm routining it... for me its hard. And ofcourse, third, i have not performed these lot so its not natural. So how you guys bild up card magic routine what takes something like 15-20 minutes? When i do someone trick, it starts "take a card" and i find it some way. Then second trick... well "can you take another card?" So hope you get the point. I really have passion with cards but thats real problem for me. I have tried to watch on youtube some routines but every video there is just one trick and its done. I hope you guys can give me tip or two and tell how i should bild good card magic routine.
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Feb 18, 2014
Hmm well I will give you a little portion of how I usually start, but its all flow keep that in mind.

I do hand sandwich, then I say " here sign the card" then I go into an acr.. etc... Some other ideas if you have already done a card trick thats pick a card do something like two card monte or here then there. Maybe do the invisible deck? Something I really enjoy performing is cell break by jm... Hope that helped.
Feb 3, 2013
Thats good thing to know, thanks for that. But will audience be bored when you do 3-4 pick a card tricks? Meaby thats just mine wrong prejudice, becouse i dont have much perform experience.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Try to avoid having to have a card picked over and over.

Don't think solely in terms of methods. From a spectator's point of view all the tricks that involve a card being picked, lost, found and revealed - are the same. It doesn't matter if you find the card in the deck with a clever reveal, or in their pocket, or on the ceiling - that's all the same trick.

One way to avoid having to have everyone pick a new card is to use the same card for several routines in a row.

The way to build a good routine is to start small and build out slowly. If you start out thinking you want 20 minutes of card magic you're probably going to end up putting a lot of filler junk in there. Don't do that. Learn one trick really well. Perform it and see where it naturally ends. From that point, figure out what would be good to follow it with. Then work on that trick and do them both in succession. So on, so forth.
Feb 18, 2014
Try to avoid having to have a card picked over and over.

Don't think solely in terms of methods. From a spectator's point of view all the tricks that involve a card being picked, lost, found and revealed - are the same. It doesn't matter if you find the card in the deck with a clever reveal, or in their pocket, or on the ceiling - that's all the same trick.

One way to avoid having to have everyone pick a new card is to use the same card for several routines in a row.

The way to build a good routine is to start small and build out slowly. If you start out thinking you want 20 minutes of card magic you're probably going to end up putting a lot of filler junk in there. Don't do that. Learn one trick really well. Perform it and see where it naturally ends. From that point, figure out what would be good to follow it with. Then work on that trick and do them both in succession. So on, so forth.

Awesome piece of advice right here. Yes the audience can become bored of constant "pick a card" thats why you should mix it up with things like two card monte, routines where they are not required to pick a card. Try bringing out some different magic like money magic ( fraud is great) ring magic ( divorce and reflex) mix it up as long as you can make it flow...
i would definitely suggest something other than cards. I've been putting routine together and as it stands now (i change it almost daily)
-short ring routine
ring on string (i think is what's it's called)
three fly
coins across to spectators hand
card routine (four king production, kick back kings, kick back kings kicker, a form of color changing aces, then a sandwich effect that happens in the spectators hand)
sponge ball
rope routine as finale

The whole thing is only 12-15 minutes. But if you're only interested in cards just mix it up a little.
Start with a pick a card effect then go onto a packet trick (twisting the aces followed by color changing aces is always good) then uses the packet cards with the previously selected card for a sandwich routine. As long as it flows it doesn't really matter.

And for street performing you probably don't want to have to reset after every show so keep that in mind.
Feb 3, 2013
Thanks for great answers, they are really helpful. In future i definetly want do something more than just cards, but now, becouse my passion is with cards, i want play it well and then move to other tricks like coin magic.
Feb 18, 2014
Totally understandable! Look around, some of my favorite card magicians are Patrick Kun, Justin Miller, Shin Lim, and Daniel Madison, they have some great stuff, look into it.
Dec 11, 2013
Actually its really easy to do 20 min routine . Your mistake is that you just do the tricks and that's it . You must talk to the spectator , tell a short and funny story , just interact with them . Then you will break the ice between you and the spectators and they are going to feel you as a friend , not a stranger that wants to fool them. Usually I start with them picking a card and I tell the story that sometimes the cards do what they want , and I perform "Card to Pocket" by Daniel Madison , but I act like a victim (Im suprised by the effect) after that I go to killer mode (control the effect) and I say "however sometimes the cards can be controlled" and I perform Ambitious card but with a little touch of mine . I dont want them to snap with fingers, besides that I tell them that whenever they touch the card it transforms into their selected and signed card and before I fold the card for the last reveal I do "Inflict Evolved" by Patrick Kun from his new DVD "Patrified" (they touch the card agian and it visually changes into their card) and after that I reveal it in my shoe. :) I hope that helped you ! And dont forget , talk to them ! Dont only perform tricks !
Feb 3, 2013
Thats really great point Strikerche. I cant just do tricks, i have to build it to miracle. I always go too fast and trick is over 2-3 minutes. I have problems to great interesting storyline, but i quess, its just practise. Meaby i try too complicated things and there is too much to remember. When i have to think what i say too much, it ruins the trick. But really great points!
Dec 11, 2013
Yeah , you need to make a simple routine . It doesnt need to be super hard to do because its invisible for their eyes :D . However , between the tricks , talk to them , make some jokes etc.
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