strike bottoms or the release method?

Jul 12, 2011
Very new at this. I like and want to learn gambling slieghts. Which one would be best to learn for the bottom deal the strike bottom or the release method like the one one jason england uses. I bought that video and he mentioned both. I would like some advise..please
Sep 2, 2007
They both have advantages and disadvantages. With a perfectly conditioned deck, a strike technique allows for less deck hand finger movement, but if the deck is a bit older or has been used heavily you may find a strike leads to accidentally pulling out more than one card. Therefore, for the sake of reliability, you may find the push-off technique works better for you. My advice would be to play around with both and see what works best in your hands. Practising one will help your technique with the other, so you won't be wasting your time.
Jul 13, 2010
Learn the bottom deal in the order Jason England mentioned (Erdnase grip, first modificated Erdnase grip, Geene Maze Grip, Mechanics Grip).
He also says in the last section (bottom deal from mechanic`s grip, I assume you`re not referring to the push-out method in erdnase grip, but the loosening action in mechanics grip ?) that he has very large hands and doesn`t bottom deal without the loosening action because of that. If you can do it without the initial loosening action, do it (his own words in the video).
He also mentioned that he uses the erdnase pushout-method from time to time with very sticky decks.

You should carefully watch the video again, it`s all in there. Pay close attention to his advise ;)
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