Submitting A Trick


Jan 11, 2008
If you submit a trick to Theory11 and they accept it, what do you the original creator get out of it,or does it matter how good the trick is?
Oct 6, 2007
You get a "good job" while T11 steals your trick and market it as their own.

You'll be credited with the creation, and you may get a commission (a percentage profit per sale), or maybe just a one time $100 shopping spree on their site for example, if it is a 1-on-1, you may get all of their DVDs free?
Jan 23, 2008
tHis is on the Invent Page of T11

Have you created a miracle that you want to make sure is produced and marketed correctly? You’ve come to the right place.

The team behind theory11 is unrivaled. Composed of experts from all angles of the magic industry, theory11’s core creative team is composed of Jonathan Bayme, Chris Kenner, BJ Bueno, Wayne Houchin, and Dana Hocking.

Our team has the focus, dedication, and rock-solid experience to guarantee your creation the attention it deserves.

We represent much more to our artists than “just a distributor” or “just a retailer.” We represent independence. We beat to our own drummer, and most of the time he’s playing hardcore techno.

Everything we do at theory11 is done hand-in-hand with YOU—the artist. We’ll treat you as a partner, a friend, and a team member. Your effect will receive our full attention in all aspects of the process, including design, production, post-production, and marketing.

SO looks like you'll get a pretty penny worth of profits
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