Swallow a Thread?

Nov 8, 2007
Before you start performing this, really consider whether it fits you or not, because it definitely doesn't fit the guy in the video clip you posted. What I'm saying is basically this--it may sound silly or harsh, but if you're going to do this effect, have a nice looking stomach. Don't have a soft little chubby belly like the guy in the video. No audience wants to look at that no matter what the effect is. It's a turnoff. Also, consider where you're going to perform this. This effect may work really well for most audiences, but more often than not it's going to play less as magic and more as Gross Out Theatre. Just some things to keep in mind if you haven't considered them already.

Anyhow, I know it's been published in the book Swami Mantra.
I perform this effect. It's dangerous, it's disturbing, and it doesn't work well with most contemporary magic performances done by the target age group (tween to young twenties) that this website targets. This isn't like a card trick, you screw up you could seriously hurt yourself. I'm not just saying this either.

Do yourself the favor, go buy a card trick or a levitation. Don't do this effect, don't learn this effect. Especially so off a PDF, someone online, a DVD or a book. Unless you have a live instructor with you this just isn't worth the risk.
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
I was cringing watching that video. Not because his trick was gross, but because his performance was Sh*t.
Honestly, if you have the balls to pretend to do a trick that is said dangerous, take some F***ing acting lessons.
I can't believe his little BS presentation of being in pain when he sucks at acting to being in pain.

Criss Angel does the same thing with his heavy breathing.
It makes me laugh, but I die a little on the inside.
Aug 28, 2010
yeah dude you probably dont wanna be messin w/this trick, there IS pain to endure!! I concur w/draven...worry about performing something else! even if you WERE going to do this trick, its most definitely not something for a normal working repertoire! thats a trick only reserved for BIG shows and poor quality video performances! if youre looking for a good "gross out" effect involving string I suggest wayne houchins "thread!" there still may be a little pain, well...more like uncomfortability, involved unless ya take the sleight method. (but screw that) anyways, good luck on your hunt for great effects!! (just dont worry about this one for a while)
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