How practical is the material in these books? Is alot of it tricks that are real workers in the real world and hard hitting or is it all kindof outdated?
How practical? Extremely, though you have to learn how to adapt a couple of things of it. I have found that about twenty percent of the material to be outdated and just wouldn't work in a lot of circumstances of today. Though, it teaches so many of the basics and is able to turn those basics into better things. My only complaint about the series was the patter, which really isn't a complaint at all because most class "A" magic books have patter that only your grand father would use.
Almost 90 percent of today's magic originated somewhere in Tarbell. It is just dressed differently now days and the patter has been updated. The set is very useful. I believe a few places sell the entire set as a PDF now. That is how I got mine.