Wait, zachmonkey were you the one doing the business card transpo? If so that's awesome!!!
Anways, half the acts were bad but i watch the show for a few reasons:
1. Jeff Mcbride
2. Street Magic
3. Ai and Yuki
So far, Mcbride, Ai and Yuki have entertained me with each of their acts (especially the Miser's dream Mcbride did on yesterday's show). However, the street magic, i feel, has not lived to it's potential. All the street magic stuff has gotten gasps and "Oh my god"s but none of them have gotten a screaming, yelling kind of reaction. And close-up magic is supposed to be the most engaging form of magic, therefore can get the best reactions. I'd like to see screaming reaction stuff like Lit, Technique, Flow. But i guess you can't use published material on a national tv show.