Tell me what you think

Apr 13, 2008
dont slide the hand....try to move the card as you put your hand down, make it more fluid....dont just put the hand down and then slide a performance and see how the hand moves when its placed on top before the reveal....other than that its going good
Jan 4, 2008
Not bad. I agree with the sliding advice. Instead, you want to use the "blade" of your hand (the part that runs from the bottom of yoru pinkie to your wrist) and slide the card as you are putting your hand down. You might want to learn a rub-a-dub vanish to add in the routine. Keep it up though, it wasn't bad.
Oct 6, 2007
The actual sleights were not bad.

But the actual performance was kind've bad in my opinion.

Firstly, you can try to make the tent vanish a little more visual, especailly for camera.

Next- it felt like you had no idea what the effect of the trick was! You made performing mistakes, and sounded like you were very hesitant about some stuff.

The patter was exactly the same as Wayne Houchin's perofrmance, especailly the beginning.

Learn the effect well before performing it. Get INTO the effect. Feel it. Understand what you're trying to show and do that.

A little more practise and a few cahnes he and there and it'd be cool.
Dec 4, 2007
First, when you start off, don't count the cards as you peel them off the deck. It's over-proving, and can lead to suspicion. Saying four cards, then peeling them off is enough.

Secondly, it was hard to see the fourth ace when you first showed those were the four cards you had.

Thirdly, as other have said, try not to slide on the drop. A quick pat down with a sidewards motion is enough, if that makes sense.

Lastly, and this is my opinion, you said invisible palm too much. I'd work on the patter a tad bit. :p

Other than that, nice job!

Dec 13, 2007
i thought it was good... the sliding can really kill the effect though because most spectators will be looking for the answer and the sliding can allow them to find it...

I thought the patter was pretty good... u seemed to be a little rushed but it was good... I do my routine almost the same as wayne houchin, which i guess isnt a good thing but it works for me so i continue to use it
Sep 1, 2007
I really liked it.

If I had to give one bit of advice which hasn't already been mentioned, it would be that your tent vanish could do with having a greater angle to it, but overall, you did a very good job.

Keep it up. :)

You play poker with your friends? You gamble kid? AND cheat? Kids these days .. ;)
( I'm 21, don't think I'm an old guy :p )

I really like your performing persona, I personally become extremly happy when I see young performers deliver patter like that, shows you're putting work!

I'll be PMing you soon, I think some points I'd point out might lead to exposure on these public forums :)

Sep 1, 2007
Nice performance, everyone else has covered the advice I would've given you, check out Chris Kenner Totally out of Control, he has a beautiful variation of this effect in his book.
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