Tenkai vs Backpalm

Jun 9, 2009
Hi everyone, I have been performing magic for about five years and I started doing card manipulations about 5 months ago. I have been practicing backpalm productions, tenkai productions, split fans, half decks steals, and so on. Through everything I have learned so far, I have come to notice that most of the manipulations are based around either a tenkai palm, or a backpalm. I was just wondering which set of techniques do you think is better for being on stage?
May 3, 2008
I personally prefer tenkai palm. It's less well known, it's less angle proof, you can show your fingers, in doesn't bend the card, and you don't have to worry about them seeing the card through your fingers.
Sep 1, 2007
Hi everyone, I have been performing magic for about five years and I started doing card manipulations about 5 months ago. I have been practicing backpalm productions, tenkai productions, split fans, half decks steals, and so on. Through everything I have learned so far, I have come to notice that most of the manipulations are based around either a tenkai palm, or a backpalm. I was just wondering which set of techniques do you think is better for being on stage?

Why don't you use both? It would be quite convenient while standing sideways. Right hand backpalming and left hand doing tenkai.
Jun 9, 2009
thats a good idea. i just need to practice with my left hand. i am so used to doing my manipulations with my right hand. i can do fans and stuff with my left hand but I will need to practice my productions
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