That person

Sep 30, 2007
Have you ever performed for someone that just seems to figure out how everything is done? I mean even when the sleights are 100% flawless he/she still seems to figure it out? There is this one person that I have shown effects to and he always figures it out. Sometimes I will show him something and he will be like "wow you got me" and the next day at work he will go " I thought about that effect all night and guess what? This is how it is done...........ect"
The only thing that has fooled him was a tt silk vanish. I know I should stop showing hin things if he figures then out. But now it is almost like a mission for me, to show him something and actually amaze him. Has this happened to any of you??
Sep 1, 2007
My Dad is much like much so that I've roped him into helping me to create effects! He's done some nice artwork for me. However, he has seen my colour changing deck routine many times (as I perform it for different audiences and he just happens to be around!) and still has no idea how it works, so I take that as a point of pride :)
I remember I confided my secrets of my magic to my dad at a very young age, now because of that, he knows which sleights are used to accomplish certain effects. He is very hard to fool and I still perform for him because he's the guy who helped me when I was 9, he stuck with me for 7 years, he's one of my biggest supporters (yet he still makes fun of me). I'll always perform for him even if he IS tough to fool, but magic isn't about fooling a person, it's about having fun and creating wonder, amazement, and joy. Every time I perform, whether it's for my dad or for anyone, I always do those things.

Aug 31, 2007
Creating wonder, in my opinion currently, is just a nicer way to put "fooling someone".

Anyway, I sometimes like performing for such people. It means that:

1. You can be more relaxed, as you aren't afraid of accidentally exposing something - they're gonna figure out stuff anyway.
2. Being relaxed means being more natural and not taking everything too seriously - a plus point for the effect's presentation.
3. They are the people who can give feedback and tell you where you may have flashed or where you were too boring. These people are like magicians themselves - they watch out not for the effect, but more of the presentation and the little things that matter. Try it.

- harapan. magic!
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