The 1 Hand Card Spring

My question: does this flourish use the traditional spring grip (thumb and fingers in the middle of the short ends) or does it use Jerry's corner grip?
If this is exposure could someone tell me where to find a tutorial for it.

Sep 2, 2007
I think that theoretically, it could be done with either grip. However, the corner grip technique does seem to get more control and distance with springs in general, so that would be the option I'd go with. And, just on a factual point, the corner grip was first published in 1906 by T Nelson Downs in The Art of Magic, so can't really be credited to Mr Cestkowski.
Jan 31, 2008
Location: Location
mmk then. Corner grip sounds good.

Where could I find a tutorial for this flourish?

You can find a tutorial in The Encyclopedia of Playing Card Flourishes, this is the only place that teaches it as far as I know (since it is Cestkowski's move....) and true the corner grip is not Cestkowski's as he has said many times on his show "Flashcards" he doesn't refer to it as his method, merely "the corner grip" method however most accredit it to Cestkowski as he teaches it and popularized it, but true the method is not Jerry's and you have to buy the EOPCF to learn the One-handed Spring....
Sep 1, 2007
I can guarantee you will never see a proper one-handed spring done the traditional "magicians" spring method. No-one has done the one-handed spring before Jerry and it requires extreme control in all directions, which requires the corner grip.
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