The Biddle Magic

Apr 19, 2017
Hey guys!
Another one is done!
I think this must be one of my best videos so far on my channel!
Still i want to know if im thinking well or not!! Lets all be better :D
Once again thank you all for your time!

Jan 26, 2017
Good performance!

The only thing I would say is slow it down. Put some filler in it. You need to make the transposition as different from the vanish as possible. Put the deck in the box, or in the spectator's hands

Also, instead of controlling it to the 4th via overhand shuffle & that awkward top count you did, why not use a 3 card tilt, or a bluff pass. Then there is no need to shuffle the deck, and you can just thumb off the top 5 cards. Or You could even control it to the second using one of the same moves as above, and then count off 5 cards one at a time, thus getting it to the 4th. Either way, you would then flip the cards face up as you do the "biddle move", thus leaving the selection on the bottom. You can then give the deck a cut, and put it in the box, or the spectator's hands (or both), as you put the packet somewhere else (preferably in the spectator's hands, or on the table near the spectator).

I just got an idea for a similar effect, but instead of using a Biddle grip, I would use a Count Cop.
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Apr 19, 2017
Good performance!

The only thing I would say is slow it down. Put some filler in it. You need to make the transposition as different from the vanish as possible. Put the deck in the box, or in the spectator's hands

Also, instead of controlling it to the 4th via overhand shuffle & that awkward top count you did, why not use a 3 card tilt, or a bluff pass. Then there is no need to shuffle the deck, and you can just thumb off the top 5 cards. Or You could even control it to the second using one of the same moves as above, and then count off 5 cards one at a time, thus getting it to the 4th. Either way, you would then flip the cards face up as you do the "biddle move", thus leaving the selection on the bottom. You can then give the deck a cut, and put it in the box, or the spectator's hands (or both), as you put the packet somewhere else (preferably in the spectator's hands, or on the table near the spectator).

I just got an idea for a similar effect, but instead of using a Biddle grip, I would use a Count Cop.

You are right in what you are saying but do you know what im afraid off? People get bored, especially people who doesnt know magic at all....
So i think that if i delay anything people might not see the end... You know what i mean?
Apr 19, 2017
I agree with Maaz - slow it down. Also the overhand shuffle needs work to be a little neater. I'm not a big fan of snapping - how does that make the card disappear? Other than that it was a good performance.

I click it just a "cliche"? Maybe i should stop it then ahaha
Jan 26, 2017
You are right in what you are saying but do you know what im afraid off? People get bored, especially people who doesnt know magic at all....
So i think that if i delay anything people might not see the end... You know what i mean?
Slowing down the performance wont disengage the audience if you are still talking to them. Start telling a story, or bring in some patter.

Funny thing is, you're kinda looking at it backwards. They will definitely lose interest in your 3rd or so trick if you don't slow it down and bring in a story.

Try slowing it down and you'll see what I mean.
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