The card reversal trick reworked...

Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
I'll put it this way,

"I don't know what you did, but you did something."

Whatever move you did was obviously a move when done. You have smooth, smooth, and more smooth...kind of jumpy hands that quickly place a card on top (how hard can that be????) and then smooth smooth smooth...

It looked good, but I've seen some just as clean and that are easy, even for beginners.

Edit:: Oh, forgot to mention, just say 'inversion plot' instead of 'I'll find your card by...." it's shorter and recognized.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I'll put it this way,

"I don't know what you did, but you did something."


I couldn't actually tell you for sure how you did it, so I guess it fooled me, but it also wasn't interesting, and there was too much odd handling of the deck. At two distinct points your fingers are doing something odd that I can't quite see. First is just before the card is put on top of the deck, second is when you change your grip and move the hands to your right.

With a presentation this could be good, but you'll have to figure out how to eliminate those odd moments.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
I agree with the above statements. I could see you did something, and I didn't see what it was the first time.


With just a second of misdirection, if a spectator missed that part it would be a really good trick.

Very usable idea.
Very good, this is something I was fooling around with just a bit, kinda tossed to the side after a while, but it is good to see that you came up with a method that works. Mine wasn't similar to this though this looks well done.

As said before credits for smoothness, very important. Also said above there were sometimes that did look suspicous, if those were worked out it looks great.
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