The Cardini Snap Change

Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
It was good until you started recycling and editing the two clips you filmed into slow motion wherein you ended up flashing at one point.

I would've preferred to see this weaved into an effect of some sort rather than a stand-alone video of this one move.

Don't get me wrong, colour changes are cool and all but by themselves they just seem like a "Hey look what I can do" thing. And it's a good change, and from the clips (not slowed down) it looked pretty good. :)

If I were to say anything it would be not to make such a big motion with your 'flicking' hand' as it draws just too much attention to where it doesn't want to be. The Cardini change is really open and 'visual', try not to inadverntently obstruct it by making the flicking motion too large. Everything should be (man I hate saying should) smooth and flowing, as it is right now it seems kinda jerky.

My $0.02

- Sean

Michael Kras

{dg} poet laureate / theory11
Sep 12, 2007
Thank you for your advice and comments... getting the break isn't easy to make look natural, especially considering I don't use the double on The Trilogy that allows for a natural break attainment.

Not too terribly bad? So your saying that other versions online are so bad that the people behind the change should drop dead?
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