The Game - Jay Crowe


Jul 5, 2009
Longview, Texas
The most perfect mind reading in history.

No stooges
No instant stooges
No forces
No impression devices
Nothing written down
Nothing added or taken away
No gimmicks
No center tears
No cold reading
No dual reality
No following the spectators

Alright I saw no review for this effect on the review list so I chose to make one. Here we go.

First impression: Upon reading the 14 front and back paged manual I was disappointed. First off, the effect is limited in its amount of reveals. Sure you can reveal age, relatives name, the specs phone number but you're probably going to have to pay for that last reveal. You can do a dual reality effect with them by describing their home and surroundings but that would kind of difficult to pull off fast.

You can do the above effects but time could be an issue for you. Some of you like to go solo in mentalism and use no assistants as I prefer. This is not the case and I do wish that Jay would have stated in the ad somewhere that it used an assistant.(This is true for both methods) The lot of you that have the manuscript will know what I'm talking about. The ad is true in what it says it is not so don't worry about that.

Final impression: This effect is not for me and has been sitting in a box for three years now. I just pulled it out because I was bored and decided to do a review on it. I will not use it but some of you may. If you're presentation skills are up to par then you could pull this "miracle" off and display what would seem to be real mind-reading. The ideas Jay puts in his booklet are great and if you work with this effect they would be great. I just personally will never use this. (3/10)
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theory11 moderator
I used the game at Friday night's show. I've briefly flicked through the booklet - Once I learnt the basic concept Jay outlines I just went and started playing around.

I don't use any assistants, but I use the system before I meet someone or on a second meeting with a client, etc - I use it outside of the performance to get the information I need - it's important to note that this is an option and I find it to be much much better that trying to do it all in performance!

It's true that it's not for everyone, but it's a method used by a lot of the top guys out there as you can't get any stronger to be honest!!


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