The Haunted Swing -- Just in time for Halloween!


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Yea! A friend told me about it and I was like "Er yea...wind"
Then I saw the Video!
Not so much!

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
I like that a bunch of magicians are fooled by a swing set... Kinda funny. :D
I don't know what could do it though. Perpetual motion? Gravity having a weird effect on the swing itself? A problem with the joints that connect the swing to the frame? Evil spirits? A long piece of IT?
Sep 1, 2007
I like that a bunch of magicians are fooled by a swing set... Kinda funny. :D
I don't know what could do it though. Perpetual motion? Gravity having a weird effect on the swing itself? A problem with the joints that connect the swing to the frame? Evil spirits? A long piece of IT?

it can't be IT, if it swings for 10 days like it says, and people are watching it. It can't be a person sitting there for 10 days doing that lol.

I would of just walked up to the thing and stop it. see what would happen.

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
What if it was IT set up to a machine? A very large machine. that moved it back and forth.... And somehow nobody noticed it... after 10 days. And the thread didn't break... And... My whole argument for IT is crumbling at my feet...
Sep 1, 2007
What if it was IT set up to a machine? A very large machine. that moved it back and forth.... And somehow nobody noticed it... after 10 days. And the thread didn't break... And... My whole argument for IT is crumbling at my feet...

Yea it is lol. I would love to know where this guy bought IT that does not break for 10 days. I would buy it in a second!
Sep 1, 2007
oh wait, I noticed something.

In the first second of the video, a guy touches the swing set. The middle swing, hmmm...and thats the one that moves a lot. I think it has something to do with momentum. Like you give it a little push and then it keeps going some how.


Sep 1, 2007
it can't be IT, if it swings for 10 days like it says, and people are watching it. It can't be a person sitting there for 10 days doing that lol.

I would of just walked up to the thing and stop it. see what would happen.

Hm.. not quite right "people said" it did it for 10 days.
You do a 2CM and "people will say" that the 2 aces turned into jokers.
People will also say that you levitated about 50 cm of the ground when doing the King Rising... if you suggest the thoughts properly.

I hope you get the idea :)


Sep 1, 2007
oh wait, I noticed something.

In the first second of the video, a guy touches the swing set. The middle swing, hmmm...and thats the one that moves a lot. I think it has something to do with momentum. Like you give it a little push and then it keeps going some how.

then he would have invented the perpetuum motion machine :D
I still go for IT... infact I gonna try that when I find a playground near me.
Sep 10, 2007
Sacramento, CA
My theory is that the area around the swing was moving and the swing was just at a stand still. I've watched enough Doctor Who and Torchwood to know that Inter-dimensional rifts are all over the place. >.>
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