The Queens by D&D

Feb 5, 2009
I just bought the Trilogy, and I was watching the queens trick. The last queen they vanish with a little shake, but they don't explain this move and I really wanted to learn that because it looks pretty cool. How come they don't explain it? And what is the move called?

Aug 18, 2008
That move is called the clipshift. It is on the Surfaced DVD by Chad Nelson which is available on the D and D website. They don't teach it because it is not their move to teach. It is a much better move then what they teach, that is why they use it, also to help promote the Surfaced DVD. The clipshift is much more difficult. Hope this helps.
Mar 8, 2008
New Hampshire
As stated, this move is called the clipshift and is taught in Chad Nelson's DVD Surfaced at Dan and Dave's website. This is a good DVD but the move does take quite a bit of practice, as anyone will say.
You can find many threads with this same topic using the search function, by the way.
Jul 14, 2008
Be aware that clip shift takes a lot of months to perfect it. I know that I am not consider myself a master on this. I am still working on it. I agreed with magicman1212, if you want to achieve it, many time and dedication is needed.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Haha, cool cool. If you like The Queens, you should also check out the original routine by Bill Goodwin, which I actually much prefer over the D&D version - especially the original production, where the queens appear one by one as you rub the deck. Saw it performed today, it was brilliant.
Jan 18, 2009
Haha, cool cool. If you like The Queens, you should also check out the original routine by Bill Goodwin, which I actually much prefer over the D&D version - especially the original production, where the queens appear one by one as you rub the deck. Saw it performed today, it was brilliant.

i checked youtube for the performance but could not find it can you post a link to bill goodwins perfomance, thanks
Jan 14, 2009
To the clipshift:

the clipshift is, as I think, one of the most diffucult controles there are!
And isn't only a card vanish, or a change by the way...
also on surfaced the 26-shift is explained, which is even more difficult as the clipshift...

And if you are a beginner, I won't buy the dvd...
Maybe later
but if you're already pretty advanced, just BUY BUY BUY!!!!!!!
its one of the awsomest dvd I know!!
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