Themed routine

Sep 1, 2007
Hey all... I am looking for some advice... I am currently trying to put together a full length routine that involves several card transposition effects... I currently preform and am fairly good at the generic 2 card transpo, i was wondering what other two effects you thought might fit into such a routine (and yes, distortion is one of the effects i am considering)
Aug 31, 2007
my favorite routine is to do rotated , the trick in dan and dave's five the notes. but right before i show the transposition i do like a wavy move with my hand like in distortion when you see the card change. then i'll go onto distortion, doing that same movement with my hand but i'll tell the specator(s) "now this is how i do it. watch my hand-i'll keep the card face up this time" and i get a great reaction every time
...or just do the follwing:

-{...First make ther card traspo.;) to the plastic bag...} F...then Do Witness.
-then Tricycle
-then Indecent.

The routine goes like this:

there cad transpo.'s to the bag, then say"now from the bag to the card box",

then change there card in the bag into another card,{Witness} then use the

famous quote"not inside the box, i said i will make it go to the box..."{Tricycle}

make the Bicylce logo change into there card, then put there card in the deck

and spread the bag before on the ground empty, then put the deck on the bag

and make there card peno. throught the bag{Indecent}!

Hows that?...
Sep 2, 2007
I own a deck of Lord of the Rings playing cards. I always though it would be funny if someone did a transpo/color change routine set to the movie dialog between Smeagol & Gollum. If any one does that, please let me know; I'd love to see it.
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