Themes / Music?

Nov 6, 2007
Hi you guys,

since im hearing all these trailer music / themes from the tricks right here on this site, i felt in love with them. i think, that t11 will not give any of them public or release them in any way.

now im searching for some "mystic" themes, like digital dissolve or any power theme like its used in distortion or control trailer...

there was a contest where they published two themes, one from wh and the other from the bucks, something like that im searching for. just to give you examples.

thanks for your answers, bye
Nov 6, 2007
yes, i just mentioned those two themes because i already have them. so just to show you guys what im looking for. those are very nice =) but i want more, so, t11, you have something that you can give us?!

so far, byebye
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