Theory11 does it again!

I literally laughed out loud when I just logged on and checked some PM''s what it said.

Steve Simmons, your Private Message inbox is over 90% full. On the bright side, it's 10% empty. If private messages continue to accumulate, your inbox could exceed its capacity. If that happens, no one will be able to contact you anymore, and you'll feel lonely. Prevent this from happening by clearing some of your Private Messages now.

My brother in the next room came over to see what was going on....just one of those things I guess???

T11 ROCKS!!! :cool:
Sep 1, 2007
I'm going to be the odd man out and say it's not really my style of humor. Granted, my style of humor usually involves violence...

I don't know, I just think the jokes around here are a little try-hard.
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