There's no business like. . .

Apr 14, 2008
Rather than write about what a lousy weekend I had at work, I'm gonna try and convey an ounce of inspiration I received after watching a movie Polly turned me on to. Basically the movie (released in 2007) tracked 4 new musicals from the 2004 Broadway season and tracked them from inception to the Tony Awards. "Show Business: The Road to Broadway" is full of the ups and downs of show business.

It was great see, feel and hear the excitement of the actors, writers, dancers, singers, composers, directors, producers, etc. I was struck with what one woman said. I think she was a director. She was talking about how difficult it is to take an audiences' emotional temperature on any given night. WOW I thought! Where do you stick that thermometer? I'm not sure I even knew that the audience had an emotional temperature. This simple phrase gives me new insight as I evaluate my performances nightly. I quickly discerned that there is a direct correlation between the audiences' emotional temperature and the actual temperature. Over the last several months, I've studied peoples' hang time (the amount of time that someone will stop and watch my show) as it relates to how hot or cold it is. Performing in 90 heat in direct sunlight. . . see what I'm saying. But stop they do, and watch in the heat as we all sweat. So, what does this say about their. . . and mine. . . emotional temperature. I think it says, shows performed after sunset will be received in different light. It's a good 10 degrees cooler today, Lets hope for cooler heads.

Another part of the movie that resonated deeply, is where a director is directing a child actor. In the scene a girl gets in the kids face and says "Boo", he reacts surprised and stumbles back. The director goes off on the kid saying, "Your supposed to be surprised! You look like you know its coming and you're waiting to react." He goes on and tells the kid, "Be in the moment". I really liked hearing this. I pride myself on what I call "Freshness Factor". Is the performer walking through the act or really feeling it EVERY TIME? Having gone to work immediately following the watching of the movie, my head was full of excitement.

Just as art imitates life, the movie wasn't all happy singing and dancing. A fickle public, a lumbering story or just bad timing made the untimely demise of many Broadway shows, some lasting only 1 performance. As my work week ended, I too was faced with the reality of horrible numbers for the week.

I love making people happy with my magic. What can I say. That's what it's all about. I will go out there tonight, still chomping on this stuff ratteling around in my brain
Wow...for once, that made me think about some stuff. Very enlightening, and easy to see how it relates to what we do. Obviously, if people are sticking around to watch your show on a 90 degree day in the sun, they like what they're seeing. And if they like what they're seeing, well then keep on keepin on. ;)

Thanks for sharing Tom! :D

P.S. - and welcome to the forums...kinda sad to see such a worth while thread fall to the back burner when there are so many more pointless threads with 500,000+ pages.....:rolleyes:
Sep 1, 2007
Yo, that's definitely something to think about. I mean, wow, now I will always think about the temperature when I perform. But it does make sense. Warmth conveys intimacy, I suppose, making people more open to your offerings.

At the same time, I can recall when cold actually made me enjoy a performance more. They did this performance of "Waiting for Godot" outside in New Orleans in the lower ninth ward at night, and it was freezing, but it really helped to convey the mood of the play and made it all the better.

A fine first post, if I do say so. You'll fit right in.

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