These posts have not stopped!

Sep 1, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Hey all.
Is it just me or is Theory 11 absolutely going nuts with new topics and posts. I counted up like 5 500 posts, and it's only been like 2 days!
This is really fantastic that this site has started on such a high and that so many people are now involved in it. Let's just hope these forums stay so active cause we're gonna become an awesome community and will help each other take our magic seriously, excel and achieve greatness. We're really fortunate to have some great minds of magic involved here with us. And I'd like to say hip hip hooray for theory 11!:D *\o/*
Well honestly,myself as well as many others are just so excited and have some many things to share with the community and want to meet new people we just post a lot. I've gotten quite a few posts yes but I try not to spam as in like 1 line posts. Most of mine are rather long but I'm jsut here to have fun my posts don't matter what I say in them does though.

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