This it? by HB

Oct 21, 2007
This It? by HB

I made up THE best trick for finding the spectator card with no trick deck. No forces.You can cut and shuffle to your heart's desire and still find it. You can even let the spectator cut the cards as much as they want to. Its a impromptu effect. It is like a stripper deck but without the striping of the cards. Easy to do and FUN. The method is simple but no one can figure it out.

Video is coming in a few months.
Aug 31, 2007
This It? by HB

I made up THE best trick for finding the spectator card with no trick deck. No forces.You can cut and shuffle to your heart's desire and still find it. You can even let the spectator cut the cards as much as they want to. Its a impromptu effect. It is like a stripper deck but without the striping of the cards. Easy to do and FUN. The method is simple but no one can figure it out.

Video is coming in a few months.

Please tell me you are kidding, why would you post this A FEW MONTHS before you have a video, and why are you hyping it, when it's just a method, like a card crimp.
Once again, it all comes down to what the spectator sees. I can simply put a crimp in the card or have them select one and then peek it. It's all the same thing to a laymen.

This sounds more or less like a magician fooler...and I don't perform for other magicians. :)
Oct 9, 2007
I'm sorry but this really doesn't sound good. You need to set up the deck for the spectator to pick a card then you can shuffle the cards and the spec can only cut? To be honest, a peek would work 100 times better and you can let the spec shuffle. Convincing control then peek it whilst giving the spec the deck to shuffle and voila.
Oct 9, 2007
Well if it suits you then go for it! But still I think people would prefer to force then stack or cull the card to whatever position they want. At least then there is no setup.

I'm not having a go. Reading back on my last post I sounded a bit mean :p sorry if I did!
Oct 12, 2007
Orlando Fl
thst's a little too old of an effect don't you think, plus anyone can findthe card, it's how you find it, in your pockket inyour mouth.....


when you are finding the card
you ONLY look at the backs of the cards.

never the front

I could do that with guardians......doesn't even require a set up if it's fresh out of the box (I think). Still it's impromptu to the audience if i shuffle......
If any one here has DG's Kaos, he shows you away you can hand out the deck to be shuffled before you pull the card through the window.
Surely you can just use that method (Plus many many others). To be honest, there nothing new you have come up here, card gets lost and found....

I dont want to crush your dreams or what ever, I mean you've come up with a handling that only you know (As far as we all know) but maybe you could try to use it and apply it to something else, instead of just losing and finding a card.

Cheers, Tom

If the laymen doesn't see it, then it works fine. Crimp, short card, corner peeks, forces, it's all the same in my opinion. I hope you have some spectacular new card handling manuever as revolutionary as the break was back in the day, because hyping it at all is claiming something big. A few months in advance is saying you've got Theory 12. And... Well, you probably don't. I'm curious though, remind me of this in a few months.
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