Thought of Card to sealed Deck

Apr 27, 2014
Ypsilanti, Mi.
Hey Guys, first time posting here so be gentle!

I have been working on this effect for a few weeks now and I am not sure if it has been done before. I have scoured the internet but can not find anything close to what I have developed
This brings me to you lovely folks!
Here's the effect

A sealed envelope is introduced and given to the spectator to hold. Inside the envelope they can feel a deck of cards that is completely sealed (Plastic wrapping and American Playing Card Company seal intact).
They are then asked to think of a card and name it. Once they name it, they are instructed to open the envelope and examine the deck. (I do not touch the deck at all!!! I know it's great!) They are asked to be sure that it truly is sealed. Then they open the deck to find that there is one card reversed. The card that they named. Also it is the only blue backed card in a red deck.

The psychological force is not mine, I read it in a book...
And the idea to get the card into the "sealed" deck is not one that I came up with, but rather, I saw it in a youtube video. But I have not seen this method of getting the card into the "sealed" deck published anywhere.

Help me out guys! Is the effect 100% original even though it uses already existent methods? Or has someone seen this before?
Sep 2, 2007
It sounds like a great effect, but its a bit hard to judge how original it is from that description. As you say, the force you use is not original, neither is the idea of getting a card into an apparently sealed deck. So, your only claim to originality is your method for getting the card into the deck. Is it more practical or more deceptive than currently published methods?
Apr 27, 2014
Ypsilanti, Mi.
The method that I use requires a set up. It isn't as impromptu as something like holding the card behind the deck and pretending to pull it out of the deck. In my effect, the card Actually comes out of the deck. So in terms of how deceptive it is, I can not see there being a more deceptive way of accomplishing this.

Thank you for such a quick reply!
Dec 5, 2013
In my effect, the card Actually comes out of the deck.

I think what TeeDee was saying is that there is already a commonly used method for opening a deck, setting up the cards in some way, putting them back and sealing the box as you described. I would look into Shaun Farquhar's material to learn more. This method is literally as clean as one can get.
Good luck!
Apr 27, 2014
Ypsilanti, Mi.
Keep in mind the deck is sealed in an envelope and held by the spectator the entire time. The only time i touch the envelope is when I hand it to them. From there, they open everything.

They can completely examine the envelope and box before during and after the effect
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Sep 16, 2014
Michigan, USA
Sounds interesting! I would love to see the Performance video once you have it uploaded. I'll be sure to check in this thread. Sounds original, and even if effects are out there, I myself haven't heard of any as you described.

Looking forward to the video!!!
soo it's a prediction trick? to me, the card in a sealed deck doesn't actually mean anything. just a card in an envelope would be the same.

so no it's not an original trick, you just put a force and a reveal together.
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