Thoughts on Death to the Double Undercut

Sep 1, 2007
Just thought I'd share my thoughts on this briefly.

For me, this was an impulse buy. I saw it and decided to buy it right away, not because it looked like the most revolutionary flourish/control in the world, but because it looked like a very solid deceptive control with some nice window dressing.

So i bought it, and began watching and (surprise surprise) I already knew the cut being taught. But I don't care. Because besides the cut, there were some little nuances taught that I wouldn't have thought of. I've been using that cut for a while, not quite knowing what it was. Paschall taught a very nice little variation that allows me to use it as a quite effective control. And since I already know the cut, I can start using it pretty much right away.

Not too bad for five bucks, in my opinion.
Nov 8, 2007
I think it looks nice, but in my opinion it all happens to quick to be a convincing control for laymen. It's just too confusing. And confusion isn't magic. Laymen aren't going to be convinced the card is lost somewhere in the middle after all those fancy cuts; they're going to be suspicious.
Sep 1, 2007
I think it looks nice, but in my opinion it all happens to quick to be a convincing control for laymen. It's just too confusing. And confusion isn't magic. Laymen aren't going to be convinced the card is lost somewhere in the middle after all those fancy cuts; they're going to be suspicious.

Admittedly, that makes it better suited for a gambling/cheating demonstration. Not my thing, but I can see how some would be into that.
Sep 1, 2007
I mean, seeing as this is a cut I already do, I can easily integrate the move into it, and therefore this will become a control that I actually use. And to me, that's worth more than five bucks.
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