Tip for starting on coin magic

one thing i think is a great idea expecially for people interested in coin magic is to start of learning the muscle pass. when i first started coin magic i would do some stuff like thumb palm and such but i couldnt do the classic for the life of me. but then i started learning the muscle pass and that helped my classic palm like no other.
does anyone else think that starting off learning the muscle pass would be a good way to start learning coin magic?
Sep 24, 2007
My classic palm got drastically better after i started doing the muscle pass, but not because of the muscle pass itself. the MP started getting me to pay attention to my hand, my palm, and the finger positions. it also got me to palm multiple coins in an attempt to do a 3 coin muscle pass! (i still can't do that, but i can do two!)
Jan 11, 2008
New york
thats big. I started with a coin trick i thought would be kool to do, then I would take on the moves inside that trick. eg. "copper silver in a womans hands".........first goshmen pinch the silver coin..(ok what is a goshmen pinch and how do i do it? even if at the end i feel the tricks not for me,i have a good move down.
Mar 26, 2008
are you guys kidding me?!! muscle pass to start coin magic? whoah.lol i mastered palming first before muscle pass. when you think about it, if you muscle pass, you have to do palming first so you can do MS...but i dunno, it varies person to person..i personally thinks it's better to get use of the classic palm before the muscle pass..
lol, i remember myself practicing MS, i thought i wouldn't be able to have the coin jump up.:D
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